Michelson interferometer
A simple model of Michelson spectrograph used in optical spectroscopy.
Light from the source is split into two beams by a half-silvered mirror, one is reflected off a fixed mirror and one off a movable mirror, which introduces a time delay
By moving the left mirror and measuring the intensity of light on the detector (represented as a disk at the bottom) we can record an interoferogram, which represents the spectral content of incomming light (from the left).
Here we use a single frequency source for the simplicity, in real-life cases it is usually a broad-band source (you can add more by modifying freqs
getTime := AbsoluteTime[]; rightMirror = 1; freqs = {7}; fIn[t_, x_, c_:0.1] := (*FB[*)((0.05)(*,*)/(*,*)(Length[freqs]))(*]FB*) Sum[Sin[t \[Omega] - x \[Omega] / c], {\[Omega], freqs}] fAmp[x_, c_:0.1] := (*FB[*)((0.05)(*,*)/(*,*)(Length[freqs]))(*]FB*) Sum[{Sin[- x \[Omega] / c], Cos[- x \[Omega] / c]}, {\[Omega], freqs}] pathIn := pathInLine = With[{t=getTime}, Table[{x, fIn[t, x]}, {x, -1,0,0.02}]]; pathIn; pathToM1UpDown := pathToM1UpDownLine = With[{t=getTime}, Table[{fIn[t, x] + fIn[t, 2 - x], x}, {x,0,1,0.02}] ]; pathToM1UpDown; pathToDown := pathToDownLine = With[{t=getTime}, Table[{fIn[t, x] + fIn[t, (x-2) + 2 rightMirror], 2-x}, {x,2,3,0.02}] ]; pathToDown; pathToM2Left := pathToM2LeftLine = With[{t=getTime}, Table[{x, fIn[t, x] + fIn[t, 2 rightMirror - x]}, {x,0,rightMirror,0.02}] ]; pathToM2Left; interferogram = {}; detectorBulb := With[{amp = (*SpB[*)Power[Norm[fAmp[3] + fAmp[(3-2) + 2 rightMirror]](*|*),(*|*)2](*]SpB*) / 0.01}, interferogram = Append[interferogram, {rightMirror, amp}]; detectorBulbColor = Blend[{Red // Darker, Yellow}, Clip[amp, {0,1}]] /. {RGBColor -> List}; ]; detectorBulb; EventHandler["FTIR", Function[Null, pathIn; pathToM1UpDown; pathToDown; pathToM2Left; ]]; { Graphics[{ ColorData[97][12], Line[pathInLine // Offload], Line[pathToM1UpDownLine // Offload], Line[pathToDownLine // Offload], Line[pathToM2LeftLine // Offload], { Cyan, Opacity[0.7], Polygon[(*VB[*)(Uncompress["1:eJxTTMoPSuNkYGAoZgESPpnFJWlMyLwiBjA4sL9oJhjs3I8mv0j3eVBM6K79RdzPpdIybPajy1ek7XaS19m8v2iddlrLdva96PKMEPPti2ZBzLdHk1d/dcZWpeagPVwhLv0whWjyMGNx6Yc5C+5QNHmYt+AeBQDm/Vvz"])(*,*)(*"1:eJxTTMoPSmNkYGAoZgESHvk5KWlMIB4XkPBMzs/LrEp1yq/I7GBmYIBIgJQFleakBrMCGT6JSak5wTxAllNqYm5xQU5mSUlqEQDn5BN3"*)(*]VB*)] }, { RGBColor[detectorBulbColor // Offload], Disk[{0,-1}, 0.2] }, ColorData[97][7], Rectangle[{-0.2,1-0.02}, {0.2,1+0.02}], { Gray, Opacity[0.5], Rectangle[{1-0.02, -0.2}, {1+0.02, 0.2}] }, ColorData[97][7], Translate[ Rectangle[{1-0.02, -0.2}, {1+0.02, 0.2}] , {Offload[rightMirror]-1, 0}] }, PlotRange->{1.15{-1,1},1.15{-1,1}}, TransitionType->None, ImagePadding->20 ], Graphics[{ PointSize[0.02], Point[interferogram // Offload] }, Axes->True, Frame->True, FrameLabel->{"x", "I"}, PlotRange->{{0.9,1.1}, {-0.1,1.1}}, PlotLabel->"Interferogram"] } // Row
Mirror controls
EventHandler[InputRange[0.9,1.1,0.0025,1.0], Function[sli, rightMirror = sli; detectorBulb; EventFire["FTIR", True]; ]]
(*VB[*)(EventObject[<|"Id" -> "b3eddf4e-f550-48f3-9b55-d98b7485bb63", "Initial" -> 1., "View" -> "2c4ddcf6-69ee-4b9a-beea-1ec33ce1dee9"|>])(*,*)(*"1:eJxTTMoPSmNkYGAoZgESHvk5KRCeEJBwK8rPK3HNS3GtSE0uLUlMykkNVgEKGyWbpKQkp5npmlmmpuqaJFkm6ialpibqGqYmGxsnpxqmpKZaAgCeSxco"*)(*]VB*)