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8 min read
Kirill Vasin

using GeoData, surface plot, and a bunch of other beautiful stuff

Have you ever played Outer Wilds? The planets there are incredibly beautiful. This actually became the main motivation to create my own simple model of a planet, using real geographical elevation data and a bit of Wolfram Language magic.

One min read

A game running in the notebook? Ha?! 馃惡馃懢

I was playing recently too much of Nier:Automata and decided to recreate a hacking mode in WLJS Notebook & Wolfram Language

Sorry for not posting a source code, I will make a blog post later on it

One min read

Can you image Graphics聽to be that fast? 馃寠 No raster images was used

Each block is

Translate[{Opacity[life], RGBColor[life, 0, 1-life], Rectangle[{-1,-1}, {1,1}]}, t]

Please see FrontProxy in the documentation for more information.

4 min read
Kirill Vasin

A GPU is also a great tool for general-purpose computations. There are a few ways to couple it with Wolfram Language:

  • CUDALink
  • OpenCLLink
  • LibraryLink

The first option requires hardware from Nvidia, which is a massive drawback considering there are many other processors on the market capable of crunching numbers. The last option allows integrating any dynamic library written in C/Rust (probably there are other bindings as well) into our Kernel, but the amount of effort required to write a general-purpose GPU library and deal with cross-platform issues is quite cumbersome and defeats the whole purpose of using WL here.

We will go with the most cross-platform and hardware-agnostic solution: OpenCL 馃殔