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· One min read
Kirill Vasin

Solving Maxwell's equation for 1D case with two interfaces. Based on the work of John B. Schneider "Understanding the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method" 2023 we will try to solve 1D Maxwell's equation for electro-magnetic wave propagating through a non-dispersive plate

· 4 min read
Kirill Vasin

Working in condensed matter physics, I (JerryI) often need to represent crystal structures based on their CIF, JSON, or other formats. Sometimes, it is quite tricky to parse these data files since you also need to determine the given symmetry operation when constructing a unit cell. Here, we will do it using AI Copilot 🤖

· 10 min read

Bad 🍎 animation by Anira group originally based on ZUN's work for bullet shoot 'em up game Touhou Project is remarkable cultural internet phenomenon often used for testing and demonstrating the features of some old hardware, algorithms, graphics systems or other esoteric medium. And in general as an of art object - Bad Apple shadow animation is just eye-catching and amazingly crafted piece ✨. Not even mentioning hot pumping 16-bit flavoured tune and a beautiful voice of Nomico (のみこ).

I (me @JerryI) have seen it many times popping up still in 2024, even as a Fluid Simulation and have been questioning myself why not anyone to try to implement it lively using some scientific software like Jupyter or Matlab or Wolfram Language and a standard plot function? It could fun

· 5 min read
Kirill Vasin

I have been always amazed by a fascinating procedural animation using in some games like Rain World. The key feature there is that you define sort of a target points for a model and a clever algorithm figures out the way how each bone or "leg" will move to achieve the goal. This is a common problem of kinematics. Let's start with the simplest approach