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Giant dweller worm

· One min read
Kirill Vasin

An adapted animation from Wolfram Community


a = Compile[{{x, _Real}, {y, _Real}, {t, _Real}}, Module[{k, e, o, d, q, c, xOut, yOut},

k = x / 8 - 25;

e = y / 8 - 25;

o = Sqrt[k^2 + e^2] / 3;

d = 5 * Cos[o];

q = x / 2 + (k / ArcTan[9 * Cos[e]]) * Sin[4 * d - t];

c = d / 3 - t / 8;

xOut = q * Sin[c] + 200;

yOut = ((y / 4 + 5 * o^2 + q) / 2) * Cos[c] + 200;

{xOut, yOut, 0.}

], "CompilationTarget" -> "C", "RuntimeOptions" -> "Speed"];

points[t_] := Flatten[Table[a[x,y,t],{y,100,299},{x,100,299}],1];

t = 0;

EventHandler["frame", Function[Null,

pts = points[t = t + 0.02];


pts = points[0];

Graphics3D[{Black, PointSize[0.001], Opacity[46/255], pts//Offload//Point, AnimationFrameListener[pts // Offload, "Event"->"frame"]}, ImageSize->500]

We used here Graphics3D since it is faster, when it comes to many small objects.