src. [FOUNDRY](
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the actual implemntation is not well-optimized for Wolfram Language, but serves a good purpose for the demonstration
Define a bunch of points connect them into a segmented line with fixed length
chain = Table[Exp[-ϕ]{-Cos[ϕ], Sin[ϕ]}, {ϕ, 0, π - π/7, π/7.0}]; Graphics[{ Line[chain // Offload], Black, PointSize[0.04], Point[chain // Offload], Red, EventHandler[Graphics`Canvas[], { "mousemove" -> handler }] }, Axes->True, PlotRange->{{-1,0.2}, {0,0.4}}, ImageSize->400 ]
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Original paper published in 2011
For the demonstration purposes, we implemented this in the simples possible way.
handler = Function[target, Module[{buffer = chain, origin = {-1,0}, prev = chain, lengths = Norm /@ (chain // Reverse // Differences) // Reverse}, buffer = Table[With[{p = chain[[-i]]}, If[i === 1, prev = target; target , prev = prev - Normalize[(prev - p)] lengths[[1-i]]; prev ] ] , {i, chain // Length}] // Reverse; buffer = Table[With[{p = buffer[[i]]}, If[i === 1, prev = origin; origin , prev = prev - Normalize[(prev - p)] lengths[[i-1]]; prev ] ] , {i, chain // Length}]; chain = buffer; ] ];