Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
An access to a permanent local notebook storage. You can carry the raw data within the notebook, regardless if it has been exported to Static HTML and imported back.
NotebookStore[key_String, opts___] _
accesses a key
and returns the data.
It works like an association or key-value storage.
To assign any Wolfram Expression, use
NotebookStore[key_, opts___] = data_
To remove the data and its key
NotebookStore[key_, opts___] = .
Returns all keys
NotebookStore[opts___] // Keys
Specifies the notebook from which the storage will be operated
Be aware of a evaluation context loss, use EvaluationNotebook for such cases if it is called from an external handler, i.e.
(* evaluation context is ok *)
NotebookStore["key"] = 123;
With[{n = EvaluationNotebook[]},
(* evaluation context is ok *)
EventHandler[InputButton[], Function[Null,
(* evaluation context is lost!!! *)
NotebookStore["key", "Notebook"->n] = 124;
(* manually restore lost info *)
A timeout for data to be piped from the notebook to the kernel in seconds. Default values is 80.