Load and edit already published web notebooks
All notebooks exported to Static HTML and Dynamic HTML do contain necessary meta-data making possible to convert it back to a native WLJS Notebook format .wln
Option 1
Using URL Protocol click on "Open"
on the HTML page
Option 2
Place it to your project directory and open it in WLJS Notebook. It will be automatically converted, while the original HTML is preserved.
Once exported, an .html
file can be unpacked back to a normal notebook once opened using WLJS Notebook app. There are some limitations
- no external files (except images) will be packaged
- large iconized expressions will be lost
- all static graphs, 2D, 3D graphics are kept
- all external images are kept and embedded to a document (including slides and md)
- NotebookStore data is embedded as well
- slides as well as all cell are kept press
to go fullscreen. Actually there is separate option on how to export slides for printing - see Export Slides