Holds (or offloads) an expression to be evaluated on frontend (WLJS)
Offload[expr_, opts___]
It has HoldFirst
Please, see the tutorial Dynamics
Blocks or allows updates. Only normal evaluation will be allowed if it is set to False
. The default values is True
In such case an expression will not be evaluated during the updates and will return undefined value. Use it only in constructions like CompoundExpression
Prevents or allows a parent instance to listen changes of an inner expression. The default value is False
The typical case scenario is you don't want to create extra bondings between an objects and other dynamic symbols.
For example
Line[{{0, a // Offload}, {1, a // Offload}}]
Line will be reevalauted 2 times instead of 1. 🔔 Since each instance of a
causes the bond creation and reevaluation, once a
has been changed.
Solution 1 👍🏼
Line[With[{p = a}, {{0, p}, {1, p}}] // Offload]
Solution 2 👍🏼
Line[{{0, a // Offload}, {1, Offload[a, "Static"->True]}}]
See also OffloadFromEventObject
Symbols tracking and deferred evaluation
Typical example for the dynamic evaluation
pts = RandomReal[{-1,1}, {64, 2}];
Graphics[{PointSize[0.02], Point[pts // Offload]}, ImageSize->500]
Now the symbol was actually evaluated on the frontend (browser/ client) using fetched data from the server.
And then, change the variable from the separate task
task = SetInterval[With[{},
pts = (# + 0.001 Sum[
(i - #)/(Norm[i - #]^3 + 0.1) - (i - #)/(Norm[i - #]^5 + 0.1)
, {i, pts}]) &/@ pts;
], 100]
Don't forget to remove it afterwards
Force WL Kernel to offload an expression
Looking back to the previous example, the function RandomReal
implemented on both sides. If you offload it to the Point
Graphics[{PointSize[0.02], Point[RandomReal[{-1,1}, {64, 2}] // Offload]}]
Each time you load a notebook the distribution of the point will be different, since it reevaluate it on frontend's side each time.
Dev notes
The actual implementation of the expression is extremely simple
SetAttributes[Offload, HoldFirst]
core.Offload = async (args, env) => {
return await intepretate(args[0], env)
core.Offload.update = core.Offload
core.Offload.destroy = core.Offload
The difference from Hold
is that it will not be affected by ReleaseHold