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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment

attaches an event listener to a current slide

# Slide 1


# Slide 2

Here is will fire

<SlideEventListener Id={"event"}/>

and then a handler on WL side

EventHandler["event", Echo]

There is no restrictions on the number of attached listeners to a single slide. One can generate them on-fly from components. See Example 4 🔄 Simple stat counter



a string representation of an event identifier, that will be used

Event generation​

It fires an event for a given slide (where it is placed) when it is revealed with a topic "Slide" and for each slide-fragment revealed "fragment-x" topic / pattern.




fires when a slide was revealed (even the first one)


where _ is a number of a fragment revealed on a slide


fires, once an HTML content for a slide is ready


fires, once a user leaves the slide (goes to the next or previous one) with an integer as a payload, that gives the direction


fires, once a presentation was closed for some reason


EventHandler["myEvent", {any_String :> (Print[StringTemplate["::``:: ``"][any, #]]&)}];

# 1st Slide


# 2nd Slide
A message pops up

Another message <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->

<SlideEventListener Id={"myEvent"}/>

Supported output forms​