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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
Supports dynamics
PCMPlayer[data_List | _Offload, type_String, opts___]

creates a static or dynamic sound emitter. The following data types are supported

  • "SignedInteger32"
  • "SignedInteger16"
  • "SignedInteger8"

where data is 1D list of numerical data or Offload ed symbol with numerical data.

Or also it can also play a regular Audio object




The default is 44100


The default is True


An uid of event to be fired, when a buffer is about to end. It can be used to feed new data to a player aka streaming.


The time is milliseconds, which is offset from the end of the sound buffer and used to fire "Event"


Use Offload to feed on data argument to a player in realtime.


The simples example with streaming will look like this

music = Import[...];

(* extract R channel *)
data = AudioData[music, "SignedInteger16"] // First;
buffer = {};

index = 1;
EventHandler["bufferEnds", {"More" -> Function[Null,
index += 100000;
If[index > Length[data], Print["End"]; Return[]];

buffer = data[[index ;; Min[index + 100000 - 1, Length[data]]]]
], "Stop" -> Function[Null,
index = 1;

PCMPlayer[buffer // Offload, "SignedInteger16", "Event"->"bufferEnds"]