The latest release introduces enhanced formatting features, including support for indexed expressions and improved Image3D
rendering using maximum intensity projection. The REST API has been added to enable broader functionality for developers. Additionally, the integration of the WebUI Framework with WLX enables building complex applications directly within the notebook environment.
const balloonContainer = document.getElementById("balloon-container"); function random(num) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * num); } function getRandomStyles() { var r = random(255); var g = random(255); var b = random(255); var mt = random(200); var ml = random(50); var dur = random(5) + 5; return ` background-color: rgba(${r},${g},${b},0.7); color: rgba(${r},${g},${b},0.7); box-shadow: inset -7px -3px 10px rgba(${r - 10},${g - 10},${b - 10},0.7); margin: ${mt}px 0 0 ${ml}px; animation: float ${dur}s ease-in infinite `; } function createBalloons(num) { for (var i = num; i > 0; i--) { var balloon = document.createElement("div"); balloon.className = "balloon"; = getRandomStyles(); balloonContainer.append(balloon); } } function removeBalloons() { = 0; setTimeout(() => { balloonContainer.remove() }, 500) } createBalloons(10); setTimeout(removeBalloons, 15000); return '';
Make admonitions like in Docusaurus (Facebook) using directives
.md :::tip Use admonitions ::: :::custom Text text :::
Use admonitions
Text text
Supported types: info
, warning
, tip
, todo
, while any other combination will be styled as info
TODO list
There is a special type of admonition, which also adds a live counter to the right-top corner of the notebook
- Task 1
- Task 2
This is a special keyword in markdown editor, which adds a bookmark on a page. It also appears in the top-right corner, by clicking on it you will be directed to the marked place on the page
.md @bookmark
Iframe API
Want to embed WLJS interface to your app? The good old iframe
tag is a way to go.
API is provided by a core extension wljs-api. All communication is done via HTTP POST request in JSON format. In a nutshell it allows to
- create transactions to evaluate Wolfram, WLX, any other support languages (see Cell Types) code and get back the result
- control evaluation kernels
- fetch Frontend Objects used for 3D, 2D graphics
- fetch extensions, assets
In principle public REST API is enough to write your own small notebook interface with full support of all available cell types, 3D graphics, sound and etc.
For example
.js const result = document.createElement('span'); fetch('', { method:'POST' }).then((res) => { res.json().then((r) => { result.innerText = JSON.stringify(r); }); }) return result;
const dom = document.createElement('span'); fetch('', { method:'POST' }).then((res) => { res.json().then((r) => { dom.innerText = JSON.stringify(r); }); }) return dom;
EventHandler update
There are some minor changes. Attaching an event listener to any Graphics
expression should feel more natural. For example
pc = {0.,0.}; EventHandler[ Plot[x, {x,0,1}, Epilog->{Disk[pc // Offload, 0.1]}] , {"mousemove" -> ((pc = #)&)}]
Alternative way is still valid
Plot[x, {x,0,1}, Epilog->{ Disk[pc // Offload, 0.1], EventHandler[Null, {"mousemove" -> ((pc = #)&)}] }]
Here is forces event listener to attach to the nearest parent, which emits events. In this case, it is Graphics
produced by Plot
More formatting
We added the support for more formatting expressions
It represents the component of expr
with index i
and formats as follows
Indexed[x, 3]
(*TB[*)Indexed[(*|*)x(*|*), {(*|*)3(*|*)}](*|*)(*1:eJxTTMoPSmMAgmIuIOGZl5JakZrilF8BAECTBhI=*)(*]TB*)
Or multiple
Indexed[x, {3, 5}]
(*TB[*)Indexed[(*|*)x(*|*), {(*|*)3,5(*|*)}](*|*)(*1:eJxTTMoPSmMAgmIuIOGZl5JakZrilF8BAECTBhI=*)(*]TB*)
Better support for Image3D
We implemented a shader version of Image3D
using maximum intensity projection (MIP).
It still lacks some options and can only work with grayscale 3D images
Image3D[ ExampleData[{"TestImage3D","CThead"}], BoxRatios->{1,1,1}, ColorFunction->"GrayLevelOpacity" ]
WebUI Framework and WLX
WLJS Notebook is built on the WLX and WebUI technology stack. Now it is fully usable even inside the notebook and does not conflict with the existing WebUI from the master Kernel.
Want to build a more complex application? A fully functional sidebar? Here we go!
<<JerryI`WLX`Importer` <<JerryI`WLX`WebUI`
Now disable caching and load a component
JerryI`WLX`Importer`Private`CacheControl[False]; SidebarBody = ImportComponent["attachments/Sidebar/Body.wlx"];
Use it as if it was a normal WL function
.wlx event = CreateUUID[]; EventHandler[event, { filename_String :> (Print[URLDecode[filename]];&) }]; SidebarBody["Path"->NotebookDirectory[], "Channel"->event]
<nav class="flex flex-1 flex-col" style="-webkit-app-region:none"><ul role="list" class="flex flex-1 flex-col gap-y-7 p-0"><li class="list-none"><ul class="p-0 -mx-2 space-y-0 pl-0"><li class="list-none"><div class=" pb-0.5 pt-0.5 text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400 flex flex-start items-center pl-7 gap-x-1 rounded-md" style="position: relative"><div ><svg class="w-4 h-5 text-gray-800" viewBox="2 0 20 24" stroke="currentColor" fill="rgb(153 246 228)" stroke-width="1"><path d="M8 4H7.2002C6.08009 4 5.51962 4 5.0918 4.21799C4.71547 4.40973 4.40973 4.71547 4.21799 5.0918C4 5.51962 4 6.08009 4 7.2002V16.8002C4 17.9203 4 18.4801 4.21799 18.9079C4.40973 19.2842 4.71547 19.5905 5.0918 19.7822C5.5192 20 6.07899 20 7.19691 20H8M8 4H16.8002C17.9203 4 18.4796 4 18.9074 4.21799C19.2837 4.40973 19.5905 4.71547 19.7822 5.0918C20 5.5192 20 6.07899 20 7.19691V16.8036C20 17.9215 20 18.4805 19.7822 18.9079C19.5905 19.2842 19.2837 19.5905 18.9074 19.7822C18.48 20 17.921 20 16.8031 20H8M8 4V20M12 11H16M12 8H16"></path></svg></div><button id="bfc310c1-8882-4a3c-b8c8-cfeae1a1096a" class="block rounded-md py-0 pr-0 text-sm leading-tight">2.5.0.wln</button><script type="module"> const el = document.getElementById('bfc310c1-8882-4a3c-b8c8-cfeae1a1096a'); 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It does support fully lazy-loading and can work on multiple levels. It is exacly the same component used in WLJS Notebook interface.
Ballon animation by Jemima (codepen)