📄️ Code insets
This component uses EditorView to display Wolfram Language code (including all syntax sugar) on a slide or WLX / Markdown cell
📄️ Focus button
A small HTML code snippet, which helps to focus writing a specific section at a time 🌗
📄️ QR Code
A simple wrapper for placing QR codes on FrontSlidesSelected
📄️ Share downloadable files
If you export your notebook or presentation to a Static HTML, you might need to provide some ASCII or other binary files together with it. It may benefit a user, if you provide a direct link to it right on the notebook page
📄️ Stats counter
It provides an intuitive counter for some stats to be used on FrontSlidesSelected. This component is designed to incrementally count up to a specified value
📄️ Title and footer
A simple layout helpers to stylize your FrontSlidesSelected