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There is an option to unpin the output cell to a new window

It does two things

  1. Evaluates the cell in the context of notebook
  2. Projects the last output result to a new window

CurrentWindow will refer to a new window, but NotebookStore will still be assigned to the source notebook.

Detaching controls / output graphics

It comes handy if you have interactive elements in different cells and you want to arrange them

boids simulation

evaluate normally
n = 100;
r := RandomInteger[{1, n}];
f := (#/(.05 + Sqrt[#.#])) & /@ (x[[#]] - x) &;
s := With[{r1 = r}, p[[r1]] = r; q[[r1]] = r];
x = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {n, 2}];
v = {#,#} &/@ x // NumericArray;
{p, q} = RandomInteger[{1, n}, {2, n}];
colors = RGBColor[#/n // N,0.3,0.5] &/@ Range[n];

fps = 0;
fpsLabel = "0";
time = AbsoluteTime[];
defaults = <|"p"->0.03, "q"->0.02|>;

EventHandler["frame", Function[Null,
With[{new = 0.995 x + defaults["p"] f[p] - defaults["q"] f[q]},
v = {5 #[[1]], 5 #[[1]] + 30 #[[2]]} &/@ Transpose[{new, new - x}] // NumericArray;
x = new;

If[r < 100, s];

(* FPS counter *)
fps += 1;
With[{diff = AbsoluteTime[] - time},
If[diff >= 1.0,
fpsLabel = ToString[fps / (diff)];
fps = 0;
time = AbsoluteTime[];
project it to a window
PointSize[0.007], Table[With[{i = i, c = colors[[i]]},
{c, Arrow[v[[i]] // Offload]}
], {i, n}],
AnimationFrameListener[v // Offload, "Event"->"frame"],
Text[fpsLabel // Offload, {-1.8,1.8}]
}, PlotRange -> {{-2,2}, {-2,2}}, "TransitionType"->"Linear", "TransitionDuration"->10, ImageSize->500]
evaluate normally
"p" -> InputRange[0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.03, "Label"->"p"],
"q" -> InputRange[0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.02, "Label"->"q"]
|>], Function[assoc, defaults = assoc]]

The result looks like

You can project the controls to a new window as well. There is no limitations on the number of windows.

Making a slideshow

If you are working with Slides cells, you can always go fullscreen by pressing F key on the output cell in the notebook. Here is a second option


All your custom JavaScript cells, as well as custom styles for your presentation defined in HTML cells, will not be accessible in the projected window.