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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
MakeBoxes[expr_, form_]

an output handler expression acting as UpValues for other expression converts it to a decorated form, which is then rendered by an editor.

MakeBoxes is applied only to the output expressions in a normal Wolfram cells, Slides and WLX. It will not affect any intermediate operations.


MakeBoxes[..., StandardForm] is applied to any visible output from the cell. It is also a part of a pipeline for ToString[..., StandardForm] used in CellPrint, and EditorView for various applications.

Supported forms

Used together with


It is a core concept of the Notebook interface

Creating interactive objects

Used by

All graphics and interactive objects are running on WLJS interpreter, which is browser'a minimal Wolfram Language interpreter running on Javascript. It draws graphics, handles users interaction via JS. To explicitly run an expression on browser's side you need to apply CreateFrontEndObject. This is done automatically using MakeBoxes

for example

ListLinePlotly /: MakeBoxes[ListLinePlotly[args__], StandardForm] := With[{o = CreateFrontEndObject[ListLinePlotly[args]]},
MakeBoxes[o, StandardForm]

ListPlotly /: MakeBoxes[ListPlotly[args__], StandardForm] := With[{o = CreateFrontEndObject[ListPlotly[args]]},
MakeBoxes[o, StandardForm]

Styling symbols

Please consider to use StandardForm for form argument to achieve those effects.

See ViewBox and BoxBox

Data preview

One can make a preview of the data for example

dataHolder /: MakeBoxes[dataHolder[data_], StandardForm] := With[{
display = ListPlot[data, ImageSize->200, Axes->False, ImagePadding->None] // CreateFrontEndObject
InterpretationBox[MakeBoxes[display, StandardForm], data]

dataHolder /: ListLinePlot[d_dataHolder, opts___] := ListLinePlot[d//First, opts]

dataHolder[RandomReal[{-1,1}, 100]]
dataHolder[RandomReal[{-1,1}, 100]] // ListLinePLot


ViewBox is more performant compared to InterpretationBox, when it comes to replacing symbols with Graphics or other interactive objects.


For just a one-time decoration - use Interpretation