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Execution environment
Supports dynamics

A view component to spawn an code-editor (fully functional)

EditorView[expr_String, opts___]

where expr is a string, that represents an expression. It can receive updates and emit, when a user change the inner content.


Editor is usually quite slow, when it comes to updates, because of many decoration widgets used there. Please, do not use it on a rapid changing data, consider TextView instead.

Event generation

When "Event" option is provided, it will send a new data in a form of a string.



Specifies an uid of an event-object, that will be fired on-change.


Blocks the editing mode. The default value is False


If you want to show the dynamic symbols content, use it together with ToString[expr, StandardForm]

EventHandler[InputRange[1,10,1,1], Function[n,
series = ToString[Series[Sin[x], {x,0,n}] // Normal, StandardForm];
EventFire[%, 1];

EditorView[series // Offload]

Dev notes

This is used in InterpretationBox implementation to replace a WL expression using a user-provided WL expression in a code editor.