Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
InputText[initial_String, opts___] _EventObject
represents an input-text field and returns EventObject
For dynamic read-only indication use TextView
Event generation
Every-time user changes the content, an event in a form of string will be generated
"<current string>"
adds a label at the left side to the input text field
Text placeholder
adds description field to a widget
sets the width in pixels
Specifies which topic or pattern of an event is used
"Topic" -> name_String
emits name
for each time when user types
"Topic" -> {oninput_String, onchange_String}
emits oninput
when any changes occur, while onchange
is emitted after the users leaves the field
A simple text input
text = InputText["Hi"]
EventHandler[text, Print];
Chaining events
One can reuse another event
InputText[event_EventObject, rest__]
Dev notes
This is a wrapper for TextView view-component