Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
provides a free-drawing 2D input
InputRaster[opts___] _EventObject
provides a free-drawing over an image
InputRaster[img_Image, opts___] _EventObject
Event generation
Fires a single event on any changes on canvas with Image as a payload. For example
bufferImage = ImageData[ConstantImage[{0,0,0,0}, {350,350}], "Byte"];
EventHandler[InputRaster[ImageSize->{350,350}], Function[img,
bufferImage = ImageData[img, "Byte"];
Image[bufferImage // Offload, "Byte"]
Chaining events
One can reuse another event
InputRaster[event_EventObject, rest__]
If no image or overlay image is provided, one can specify a size for blank canvas. By the default is 300
Places a semitransparent image over the canvas. It comes handy when working with masks for images
Specifies which topic (or pattern) of an event is used. By the default is "Default"
By the default is False
. Sends new image on every change.