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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
InputAutocomplete[autocompleteFunction_, opts___] _EventObject
InputAutocomplete[autocompleteFunction_, default_String, opts___] _EventObject

renders an input field (InputText) with autocomplete generated by autocompleteFunction. This handler function should have the following structure

autocompleteFunction[input_String, callBack_] := With[{},

where results is a sorted List of strings.


cbk may return False to cancel autocompletion



A text-label for the widget


Keeps or clears out the input field when a users submitted the result. By the default is True.

Event generation

It fires two patterns

  • "Entered" gives a string, which was entered by a user
  • "Selected" gives a string, which was picked up by a user from the list, generated by autocompleteFunction


Find words starting with a given letters and speak them

EventHandler[InputAutocomplete[Function[{data, cbk},
cbk[DictionaryLookup[data<>"*", 6]];
], "ClearOnSubmit"->False], Function[text,
SpeechSynthesize[text, GeneratedAssetLocation -> None] // EmitSound

Here we use a wild-card pattern, which does not differentiate between Entered and Selected there.