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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
InputTable[list_List, opts___]

it places a sort of small Excel-like table editor for list provided. This is a great solution for a large tables, since it does support lazy loading from a server


list has to be a 2D list of numbers


For just viewing tables use TableView

Event generation

Every-time user changes the cell's data, the events comes as transactions in a form of

{"Typeof", row, col, oldData, newData}

try this example

list = Table[i j, {i,5}, {j,5}];
EventHandler[InputTable[list], Print]

Transaction helper

if you don't want to mess with them, there is a helper function InputTable~EventHelper, that updates the list using those transitions

InputTable`EventHelper[list_List] _Function

It will mutate the given symbol list according to the transactions. One has to initialize it on the corresponding list and use the resulting generated symbol in your EventHandler function like in the example below

list = Table[i j, {i,5}, {j,5}];
handler = InputTable`EventHelper[list];
textstr = ToString[Style["Change something in the table", Italic], StandardForm];
EventHandler[InputTable[list, "Height"->150], Function[data,
textstr = "";
textstr = ToString[list // TableForm, StandardForm];

EditorView[textstr // Offload]

the result should look like this


If you want to just view your data, do not apply EventHandler

list = Table[i j, {i,5}, {j,5}];

your symbol list will not be affected.



specifies the max-height of the table widget. The default value is 400 px.


If you have a large list of rows, project the cell to a new window with a bigger "Height" value. It will bring similar experience to Excel-like programs.

Chaining events

One can reuse another event

InputTable[event_EventObject, rest__]

Dev notes

A handsontable engine is used as the cells manager.

Supported output forms