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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
Supports dynamics
HTMLView[string_String | List[strings__String] | _Offload, opts___]

a representation of an HTML element in the notebook. It is used for rendering HTML in-place, where this expression is located and also is used for dynamic indication.

HTMLView["<span style=\"color:red\">Hello World</span>"]

This is a core function behind most input elements, such as InputButton, InputText, TextView and etc.



works only if a string or a list of strings provided as input A function to be executed on the frontend before embedding HTML into DOM. You probably have to define it by yourself (see WLJS Functions). It exposes in env following fields

env.htmlString //mutable HTML expression as string

There is a built-in feature for modifying the string - see below Post-template engine


works only if a string or a list of strings provided as input A function to be executed on the frontend after embedding HTML into DOM. The exposed fields are

env.element //access to DOM element created


a string, which sets CSS style attribute


a string, which sets CSS class attribute

Post-template engine

There is built-in tool for post-processing HTML elements before embedding them into DOM. It can be included to the pipeline using Prolog option


It has HoldFirst attribute and object will be evaluated on the frontend This text processor replaces all string like


With a corresponding field value from object["name"].

It comes handy to create unique ID's in runtime, before a widget is rendered on a page. For example

HTMLView["<div>Unique Id #instanceId</div>", Prolog->HTMLView`TemplateProcessor[<|"instanceId" -> CreateUUID[]|>]]

It will generate a new UID for each instance even if you copy and paste one.

Dynamic updates

It fully supports updates. Use Offload. For example

word = "";

and then

word = "<h1>"<>RandomWord[]<>"</h1>";

Supported output forms