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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
InputButton[label_String, opts___] _EventObject

creates a button component and returns EventObject

Event generation

On-click emits True to a handler function assigned



A text string of CSS classes used for customizing a button


A text string with CSS styles applied to an element


The default topic/pattern is "Default". Specifies an event-pattern used on emitting (see more on EventFire patterns topics)


A basic GUI element

button = InputButton["Click me!"];
EventHandler[button, Print]

or click to make sound

EventHandler[InputButton[], Beep]

Chaining events

One can reuse another event when creating a button

InputButton[event_EventObject, label_String, opts___]

for example

ev = EventObject[];

InputButton[ev, "Topic"->"Button"]
InputRange[ev, 0,1,0.1, "Topic"->"Slider"]

EventHandler[ev, {
"Button" -> Beep,
"Slider" -> Print

Supported output forms