Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment
InputFile[opts___] _EventObject
outputs as a drag & drop file-form used to handle file input
A text label for an element
A description label for an element
Event generation
It accepts single or multiple files. The whole pipeline is separated into two steps
- Initiation of a transaction. Emits an event with a topic
, which has the following structure
<|"Id"->uid_String, "Length"->numberOfFiles_Integer|>
- Sending files one by one files emitting
event that follows the structure
<|"Transaction"->uid_String, "Name"->filename_String, "Data"->base64_String|>
Chaining events
One can reuse another event
InputFile[event_EventObject, rest__]
A simple file-form to plot the data from the uploaded file
plot = Plotly[<|"type"->"line"|>]
EventHandler[InputFile[], {"File" -> Function[file,
imported = Drop[ImportByteArray[file["Data"]//BaseDecode, "CSV"], 3];
(* try different encoding *)
If[!NumberQ[imported[[1,1]]], imported = Drop[ImportByteArray[file["Data"]//BaseDecode, "TSV"], 3]];
Plotly`addTraces[plot, {<|"x" -> imported[[All,1]], "y" -> imported[[All,2]]|>}];