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Execution environment
Supports dynamics

Represents an arbitrary text label placed as a Graphics object

Text["String", {0,0}]

Supports styling such as Style and Directive, i.e.

Text[Style["Hello World", FontSize->14], {0,0}]

Styling options

The following options can be provided to Style wrapper

  • FontSize->Number - 10, 12, 14...
  • FontFamily->String - this is basically an SVG attribute, please see here. If you have imported any font using CSS, you can also use it.

To change the color, just put in somewhere to the list

Red, Text["Hello World", {0,0}]



One can listen to a several events produced by this primitive using EventHandler

EventHandler[t_Text, {event_ -> handler_, ...}]

where event can be

  • "mousemove" detects and sends coordinates of a mouse, when it is over this element
  • "drag" makes primitive draggable and emits coordinates
  • "zoom" detects zoom / mouse-wheel
  • "click" detects mouse clicks

Dynamic updates

For both the position and text content updates are supported

txt = RandomWord[];
pos = {0,0};

Red, Text[txt // Offload, pos // Offload]
task = SetInterval[With[{},
txt = RandomWord[];
pos = RandomReal[{-1,1}, 2];
], 500];

SetTimeout[TaskRemove[task], 5000];

use TaskRemove[task]; to stop an animation

Math support

You can use a limited Latex-math kinda mode, that I implemented instead of full Boxes support as it was done in Mathematica, since it might slow down the system a lot

Text["wavenumber (cm^{-1})", {0,0}]
Text["\\alpha (cm^{-1})", {0,0}]

A list of features

  • most used Greek symbols like alpha and etc are supported
  • subscript a_1 or a_{hi}
  • superscript a^2 or a^{23}

In principle, it will anyway ends up in HTML, therefore one can use any special symbol

"I will display ❌"

Wolfram Language special characters

It does support some of the WL's characters like \[Alpha] and others, which are compatible with unicode table