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Offloading calculations

Leaving some calculations to the frontend's side can reduce an overhead from the communication between the frontend and the Kernel and also make your code much cleaner at the same time.

The idea is to reduce the amount of dynamic symbols to the minimum (see Dynamics). Let us start with a simples example of a Bezier curves

autoLine[t_, p1_, p2_, p3_] := 
{p1 + t (p2 - p1), p2 + t (p3 - p2)}

To make it dynamic we just need to pass our symbols like

p1 = ...;
p2 = ...;
p3 = ...;

autoLine[t, p1 // Offload, p2 // Offload, p3 // Offload]

Imagine if we have many of those lines, and then... Do we need to define the same number of symbols to control them? No, we need just 3 points and the rest can be calculated. Let us bound our Line to those 3 and only 3

optimized version
autoLine[t_, p1_, p2_, p3_] := 
With[{pc = p2, pi = p1, pf = p3},
{pi + t (pc - pi), pc + t (pf - pc)}
] // Offload

SetAttributes[Line, HoldRest]

Here we used a trick with With so that p1, p2, p3 are external symbol bounded to Line and will cause its reevaluation, while pc, pi, pf entering the list multiple times are just numbers calculated locally.


Avoid multiple copies of the same dynamic symbol entering the arguments of the same expression. For example

Line[{Offload[a], Offload[a] + b}]

a single change in a will cause the reevaluation of Line two times, while

Line[With[{p = a}, {p, p + b}] // Offload]

a single change in a will cause the reevaluation of Line only one time 👍🏼

The last thing is to generate a list of those curves connected to three draggable points on a graph

curve[p1_, p2_, p3_] := LeakyModule[{pi = p1, pc = p2, pf = p3},
Blue, Table[autoLine[t, pi, pc, pf], {t, 0, 1, 0.01}],
PointSize[0.06], Red,

EventHandler[Point[pi], {"drag" -> Function[xy, pi = xy]}],
EventHandler[Point[pc], {"drag" -> Function[xy, pc = xy]}],
EventHandler[Point[pf], {"drag" -> Function[xy, pf = xy]}]

Here we used LeakyModule, which is just a regular Module, but with a disabled garbage collector.

Now lets us draw

curve[{0.2,0.2}, {0.3,0.5}, {0.6,0.1}] // Graphics

A side note

Computations on the frontend side does not cost much. Since everything happens within a browser. One can put many more curves and it would still work perfectly, since all of them are recalculated independently and bounded to 3 symbols only