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While evaluating some experimental data, some live indicators comes handy

Crossbar and coordinates field

If you are an Origin Pro user, this one is an essential tool for picking data points from your graph.

Essentially we need two things Line and TextView

Normal way

cell 1
point = {0.,0.};

(* plot some dummy function *)
Plot[Sinc[x], {x,-10,10}, Epilog->{

(* crossbar *)
Line[With[{p = point[[1]]},
{{p, -10}, {p, 10}}
] // Offload],

Line[With[{p = point[[2]]},
{{-10, p}, {10, p}}
] // Offload],

(* attach listener *)
EventHandler[Null, {
"mousemove" -> Function[xy, point = xy]

It attaches an EventHandler to Null expression, which forces it to seek the nearest parent, which emits events, i.e. Graphics. Every-time user moves a mouse over it, an event handler is fired and point symbol is updated, that causes updates of all lines


You can reduce the lag by tuning TransitionDuration to a lower value.

Now the text field

cell 2
TextView[point // Offload]

An accuracy might be too large. We can output there separately by using another variable or a symbol

point = {0.,0.};
text = " ";

(* plot some dummy function *)
Plot[Sinc[x], {x,-10,10}, Epilog->{

(* crossbar *)
Line[With[{p = point[[1]]},
{{p, -10}, {p, 10}}
] // Offload],

Line[With[{p = point[[2]]},
{{-10, p}, {10, p}}
] // Offload],

EventHandler[Null, {
"mousemove" -> Function[xy,
point = xy;
text = ToString[Round[xy, 0.01]];

TextView[text // Offload]

Now it is much better

Dynamically append to a plot

One can also append it to a plot dynamically afterwards using FrontInstanceReference. Sometimes it is better, since all variables are scoped

placeCrossbar[ref_, pos_:{0.,0.}] := LeakyModule[{point = pos, text = ""},

(* crossbar *)
Line[With[{p = point[[1]]},
{{p, -10}, {p, 10}}
] // Offload],

Line[With[{p = point[[2]]},
{{-10, p}, {10, p}}
] // Offload],

EventHandler[Null, {
"mousemove" -> Function[xy,
point = xy;
text = ToString[Round[xy, 0.01]];
}, ref];

TextView[text // Offload]

Now the only thing we need is to scope

cell 1
(* plot some dummy function *)
ref = FrontInstanceReference[];
Plot[Sinc[x], {x,-10,10}, Epilog->{ref}]

and after evaluation we can append it


Progress bar

During a long evaluation process we need some sort of indication. For this thing we need a couple of ingredients: Rectangle, CellPrint

One can think about it if it was a typical OOP. We need a constructor that returns an instance for tracking the evaluation progress

progressBar[max_Real | max_Integer] := LeakyModule[{
progress = 0.,
timer = AbsoluteTime[]
bar = CellPrint[ToString[
LightBlue, Rectangle[{-1,-1}, {1,1}],
Green, Rectangle[{-1,-1}, {Offload[2 progress - 1], 1}]
}, ImagePadding->None, ImageSize->{400, 30}]
, StandardForm], "After"->EvaluationCell[]];

(* throttling *)
increment[value_Real | value_Integer] := If[AbsoluteTime[] - timer > 0.1,
timer = AbsoluteTime[];
progress = value / max // N;
If[progress >= 0.99,


here we also use sort of throttling not to overstress frontend if our progress tracking function is called too often. A progress bar itself is printed to another cell as basically a growing green rectangle.

Let us try to use it

bar = progressBar[10];
Table[bar[i]; Pause[0.5]; i, {i, 10}]