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The most basics styling

Global settings

One can set a global style applied for all slides in your notebook. You need to use HTML or WLX cels for it and redefine .reveal class

cell 1

.reveal {
font-family: Arial;

now the default font will be Arial

cell 2

# Hey, I am Arial!


One can do the same with an individual slide by wrapping the text into HTML or WLX tags


<div style="font-family: Arial">

# Title, I am Arial


I am not Arial

In order to mix Markdown with HTML or WLX correctly, remove white spaces from the beginning markdown, i.e.


# It wont work

but instead



# It will work


Or one can define a class for it early

cell 1

.specialClass {
font-family: Arial;
cell 2

<div class="specialClass">

# Title, I am Arial


I am not Arial

Using data attributes

It might come handy to use RevealJS styling option for individual elements instead of writing plain XML


<!-- .slide: data-background-color="black" -->

# Hey, I am white <!-- .element: style="color:white" -->

# Hey, I am red <!-- .element: style="color:red" -->

Here slide is applied to an entire slide, while element is localized to the last markdown element.