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Execution environment
Supports dynamics
SpotLight[color_RGBColor, position_:{10,100,10} | {position_, target_}, angle_:Pi/3, intensity_:100, distance_:0, penumbra_:0, decay_:2]

places a fake source of spot light in a 3D scene (see Graphics3D). The default target is {0,0,0}\{0,0,0\}.

Graphics3D[{Shadows[True], Polygon[ {{-5,5,-1}, {5,5,-1}, {5,-5,-1}, {-5,-5,-1}}], White, Cuboid[{-1,-1,-1}, {1,1,1}], Shadows[False], PointLight[Red, {1.5075, 4.1557, 2.6129}, 100], Shadows[True], SpotLight[Cyan, {-2.268, -2.144, 3.1635}]}, "Lighting"->None]

For the best effect, use Shadows set to True


In the case of "PathTracing" renderer, spot light can only work properly if "MultipleImportanceSampling" is enabled in the options of Graphics3D


position and target do support updates

pos = {0,0,2};
handler = Function[data, pos = data["position"]];

KnotData[{"TorusKnot", {3, 5}}][[1]];
Graphics3D[{ Shadows[True],
EventHandler[Sphere[pos, 0.1], {"transform" -> handler}],
SpotLight[White, {Offload[pos], {0,0,0}}],
Polygon[5{{-1,1,-1}, {1,1,-1}, {1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,-1}}]
}, "Lighting"->None, ImageSize->600]