PointLight[col_RGBColor, position_:{0,0,10}, intensity_:100, distance_:0, decay_:2]
represents an artificial point-light source at the given position and parameters.
Graphics3D[{Black,Polygon[ {{-5,5,-1}, {5,5,-1}, {5,-5,-1}, {-5,-5,-1}}], White, Cuboid[{-1,-1,-1}, {1,1,1}], PointLight[Red, {1.5075, 4.1557, 2.6129}, 100], PointLight[Cyan, {-2.4489, -1.9012, 2.8386}, 100]}, "Lighting"->None]
In the case of "PathTracing"
renderer, point light can only work if "MultipleImportanceSampling"
is enabled in the options of Graphics3D
Only position
field supports updates. Use gizmo snippet to manipulate the light source position or Offload keyword.