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Raster animation


Raster graphics is not well optimized on WLJS Notebook for now. Consider to use it as rarely as possible.

All raster graphics is rendered using Image expression, which also supports updates using Offload expression.

Let us start from the practical example - image distortion

Yandex Open Source Jam 2024

or this one

Stackoverflow OpenGL


Let us take an example image firstly. Drag and drop it to an editor

and take a raw data from it as a sequence of bytes

img = ImageData[(* image *), "Byte"];

Now we can apply map function to it, which stretches and shrinks pixels periodically

shader = Compile[{{img, _Integer, 3}, {phase, _Real}}, Module[{iter},
ysize = Length[img],
xsize = Length[img[[1]]]
iter = 1.0;
yr = y,
xr = If[# < 1, 1, If[# > xsize, xsize, #]] &@ Round[iter]

iter = iter + (1.0 + 0.7 Sin[6 Pi x / xsize + phase]);

img[[yr, xr]]

], {x, xsize}], {y, ysize}]

Here we use Compile to speed the process up, since there are only real arrays are involved. We do not apply any antialiasing filters, it does it in the nearest neighbors approximation. Let's check the result using the original Byte encoding

Image[NumericArray[shader[img, 0], "UnsignedInteger8"], "Byte"] 


Always provide a typed numeric array as a first argument to Image. By the default it assumes Real format of pixels data. Therefore we explicitly tell the encoding by sending Byte as a second argument.

The most efficient way is to use

  • UnsignedInteger8 : Byte

Since a performance is it great with raster graphics, we can rely on fixed time intervals while animating or a straight Do loop

cell 1
imageFrame = NumericArray[img, "UnsignedInteger8"];
Image[imageFrame // Offload, "Byte"]
cell 2
imageFrame = NumericArray[shader[img, angle], "UnsignedInteger8"];
, {angle, 0, 4Pi, 2Pi/30.0}]

The resulting animation